Thursday, August 27, 2020

Health Care Case Study: Financial Statements Essay

Conceptual â€Å"An engaged association is one in which people have the information, aptitude, want, and chance to by and by prevail such that prompts aggregate authoritative success,† (Covey. 2011). Money related administration inside a social insurance association is essential to the achievement and soundness of the association. In this rundown monetary data on Patten Fuller Hospital will be uncovered. In particular, the contrasts among inspected and unaudited articulations and covering the hospital’s proportions will be incorporated. Data identified with the relationship on income sources and costs will incorporate how the emergency clinic incomes and costs are gathered for arranging and control. Inspected and Unaudited Differences During the long stretches of 2008 and 2009 the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital’s asset report had a few contrasts with the patient records of about $1,000,000. The disparities between the two added up to $1,000,000; these inconsistencies would be the reviewed explanation that approached to $58,787,000 and the unaudited articulation in 2009 that added up to $59,787,000 (Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, 2011). At that point there were errors on the Statement of Revenue and Expenses of around 1,000,000 during 2009. The inconsistencies between the two that added up to $1,000,000 would be the reviewed articulation that rose to $14,797,000 and the unaudited proclamation in 2009 that added up to $13,797,000 (Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, 2011). The total compensation for the inspected proclamation is 373,000 and, the unaudited is 627,000. Effect’s of Revenue Sources on Financial Reporting A company’s income originates from an assortment of sources, including the deals of merchandise interests on advances, and pay from leasing or renting. Accountant’s first record income in casual bookkeeping records to follow capital as it comes into the organization. Data records are moved to more formal,â official fiscal reports. The pay explanations, accounting reports, held profit articulations and proclamations of incomes are the four fundamental kinds of budget summaries influenced by income sources. Incomes and Expenses Grouped for Planning and Control The clinics incomes and consumptions are plans and strongly to follow incomes and uses proficiently. The two principle classes of income are, nonrevenue creating, and income delivering. The nonrevenue creating administrations have two developments, general administrations, and bolster administrations. General administrations are administrations, for example, upkeep, and dietary. The help administrations are regulatory expenses identify with representative administrations, for example, pay rates, and worker government assistance administrations. Income creating has two gatherings: nursing administrations and other expert administrations. Nursing administrations has five cost habitats extending from the concentrated consideration units to the working room. Proficient administrations have 15 cost places, for example, crisis room and drug store. These cost communities associate to explicit consumption classes. Consumption gathering is isolated into two classifications, determinations, and systems. Most income in social insurance associations is either findings or methodology. Major symptomatic classes (MDCs) bunch costs with a 27-order framework for determination related gatherings (DRGs). Each DRG speaks to a class of the administrations for patients. This grouping doles out methodology gave to patients current procedural wording (CPT) codes. â€Å"CPT codes speak to a posting of distinct terms and recognizing codes for distinguishing clinical administrations and techniques performed† (Baker and Baker, 2011, p. 44). End Disparities were found in three zones between the examined and unaudited proclamations. The contrasts between the announcements were immense with understanding records indicating a $1,000,000 distinction, the announcement of income and costs demonstrating a $1,000,000 distinction, and a net gain contrast of $254,000. Corporate income originates from numerous sources. Income is accounted for on different money related structures like salary articulations, asset reports, retainedâ earnings explanations, and income proclamations, which are the four fundamental kinds of budget reports influenced by income. Various classes and administrations exist to aggregate incomes and consumptions into cost focuses that connect to various DRG’s. DRG’s separate the strategies into CPT codes distinguishing the administrations and methods for remuneration. Reference: Bread cook, J.J., and Baker, R.W. (2011). Human services account: Basic devices for nonfinancial chiefs (third ed.).Jones and Bartlett. Group, S. (2011). Helpful Quotes for Business: Empowerment and Delegation. Recovered from Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, (2011). Yearly Report 2009. Virtual Organization Portal. Recovered May 27, 2011 from University of Phoenix

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Human Resources (Healthcare) - Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR (Healthcare) - Case Study Example Thirdly the choice procedure includes comprehension or assessment of an individual’s potential in dealing with dubious or standing up to issues and to work amicably in a pressurized activity setting. So also in the fourth case the choice procedure ought to likewise will in general assess the level of development fused in rendering new activities in a proactive style by the administrative candidates in investigating issues. At long last the determination procedure of the administrators ought to likewise will in general watch the nimbleness in the administration staffs to improve their specialized and procedure ability through learning. Alongside the above parameters explicit apparatuses can be fused like ‘Role Playing’ that thusly adds to the decrease of the occasion of Role Ambiguity in the working environment. So also separated from leading ‘Personal Interviews’ scales can be satisfactorily intended to rate the conduct properties of the various candi dates dependent on ‘Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales’. The scales can be made on a Five Point premise from ‘Very Good’ to ‘Very Poor’ rating the various parameters like ‘Interpersonal Skills’, ‘Initiative’, ‘Working under Pressure’, ‘Leadership’, ‘Prompt Decision Making Potential’ and others to along these lines present a compelling evaluation of the individual potencies engaged with coordinating the prerequisites of the job set (Rice and Burnett, n.d., p.2-5). The determination procedure for the administrators can be additionally upgraded through the joining of the 360 degree examination program. Fuse of the 360 degree examination contributes in the picking up of successful input from subordinate and friends of the candidates included with the end goal that a powerful choice strategy can be actualized. The manager to be chosen would work to pick up progress for the worry not in a disconnected manner. Or maybe the individual would be require to attract the help of the staffs included whether along a similar level or subordinates to support him

Friday, August 21, 2020

Persuasive Essay Topics Related to Nature

Persuasive Essay Topics Related to NatureIn this day and age, it is important to understand the importance of persuasive essay topics that relate to nature. Most essays are written on several subjects; however, most people are not aware of the importance of writing a good one that connects with nature and people. Why is this?The truth is that everyone is connected to nature. It is apparent that people are happy when they do. People spend their free time outside the house just enjoying the outdoors, relaxing under the sun or watching the rain fall down. Some people like to go fishing or play golf and others would rather enjoy the water sports by swimming, snorkeling or scuba diving.For people who love nature, nothing can beat reading about animals and birds. Nature offers them lots of opportunities to read about the behavior of various animals. Aside from reading about the living creatures, they can also play games in which they learn more about the animals and their habitat. These ac tivities can really help people become more knowledgeable. All these reasons show that people need to write a persuasive essay that relates to nature.However, many people are not aware of how they can apply these ideas. Why is it that these people do not appreciate writing a persuasive essay on nature? They feel that writing a persuasive essay on nature will only be useless since the topics can be related to other things. As a result, they never even bother to write anything at all.There are many persuasive essay topics that relate to nature. When it comes to writing such topics, the goal is to allow the reader to connect to the subject and to learn more about it. People should be able to know what the topic is all about, why it is interesting and why it is so important to people.One important note before you proceed: if the subject is related to biology, there is no need to write about it as it is already included in the entire course. Otherwise, you need to include your relevant e xperiences, especially experiences from nature. You can also include your other experiences of reading.An example of a persuasive essay that relates to nature is 'Nature: An Explanation.' The topic is about ecology and evolution and it helps people understand about their connection to nature. If you want to make your essay more meaningful, include all relevant information that is from nature. If you have some exciting experiences you have had while having fun in nature, it will surely add something new for your readers.So, now you have an idea about the importance of a persuasive essay on nature. Try to include your information from nature to make your essay more successful.

Monday, May 25, 2020

bottled water case Essay - 1418 Words

Bottled Water Case: Industrial Evolution 1. Describe the bottled water industry as presented in the case a. Size in sales: In 2001, bottled water was among the world’s most attractive beverage categories, with global sales exceeding 32 billion gallons and annual growth averaging nearly 9 percent between 1996 and 2001. b. Projected growth: U.S. per capita consumption had grown to nearly 20 gallons a year by 2001 and was expected to grow to 26 gallons a year by 2005 c. Number of Competitors: Both the global and U.S. bottled water markets had become dominated by a few international food and beverage producers like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlà ©, and Groupe Danone, but they also included many small regional sellers that were required to†¦show more content†¦Bottled water consumption and sales have been increasing exponentially since its emergence as a widely-accepted commercial beverage category. The bottled water industry is now growing at 8% to 10% annually – about twice as fast as other beverages. In fact, in 2003 bottled water became the second largest commercial beverage category by volume in the United States, surpassing milk, coffee, beer, and is now second only to carbonated soft drinks. d. Demographics (what is the industry’s focus customer) Another significant trend is product marketing and packaging. Realizing that consumers cite taste, quality, and purity as the top reasons for drinking bottled water, bottlers market and design bottles to display their purity. Other manufacturers seek to carve out a new level in the bottled water industry introducing high-end products. Another packaging trend in the bottled water industry is multi-packs. As current bottled water consumption grows, more consumers are turning to multi-packs to save time and money. e. Governmental rule (tightly restricted, loose enough to give industry room to grow/compete.) Bottled water producers in the United States were required to meet the standards of both the EPA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Like all food and beverage products sold in the United States, bottled water was subject to such food safety and labeling requirements as nutritional labeling provisions and general GoodShow MoreRelatedBattling Over Bottled Water Case Essay1821 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Battling over Bottled Water† is the case study I chose to converge on. It focuses on the state of Michigan, which boasts more than 11,000 lakes and almost 36,000 miles of streams. The great thing about Michigan is lakes are present no more then six miles away, as some of the biggest lakes such as Lake Michigan, Huron, Superior and Ernie contributes to the outdoor adventures for many. However; Nestle, a corporation known to many, has been battling a case with Michigan Citi zens for Water ConservationRead MoreSelling Bottled Water By Peter Gleick1577 Words   |  7 PagesThe chapter â€Å"Selling Bottled Water†, by Peter Gleick, works within the argument of Cynthia Barnett’s â€Å"Business in a Bottle†, which illustrates the superficial and deceptive image of bottled water, due to false advertising and pseudoscientific claims by greedy bottling companies. The companies take advantage of a free resource and make millions in profit. Although utilizing different styles, Gleick and Barnett’s grounds intertwine, exposing bottling companies’ manipulative tricks while opening theRead MoreHow Harmful Can Bottled Water Be?1031 Words   |  5 PagesBottled water has become a controversial topic as of late. There are always two sides to every argument, some think that bottled water is beneficial to society, whereas some people think that it is detrimental to society as a whole. Bottled water is detrimental to society because i t costs the country an abundance of money. It is also harmful to society because it is damaging to the environment. A lack of sanitation in bottled water has also been connected to illnesses among people who drink it. BottledRead MoreBottled Water And Drinking Water757 Words   |  4 Pagesdeal of water, in fact, the average American uses 90 gallons a day (Henshaw). So it is not surprising America has one of the cleanest water reserves in the world (â€Å"Water Quality†). A surprising statistic, however, is one-third of the American population drinks bottled water on a regular basis when the majority has clean drinking water at home (Olsen). This might be due to the fact that the bottled water industry has promoted itself as a healthier and more portable alternative to tap water. HoweverRead MoreWater Quality And Contamination. Introduction. Background:.1405 Words   |  6 PagesWater Quality and Contamination Introduction Background: Drinking water is vital to the health and well-being of human life, without it, life does not exist. Human bodies are composed of 60 percent water. Drinking healthy water is important to maintain a healthy balance of body fluids. Tap water and bottled water in general are safe to drink, the question is how safe and what are you willing to pay to consume healthy, safe water. Most Americans assume the Environmental Protection Agency is protectingRead MoreThe Benefits Of Bottled Water1449 Words   |  6 PagesWater to Go Water is crucial to life. Every human being needs water to survive. Water helps the body by nourishing the body, makes up most of our body, and helps with a healthy diet. However, people get water in different ways. One way to get this healthy drink is through bottled water. There is a huge debate whether or not bottled water is the way to go. The benefits of bottled water do outweigh the costs by several reasons. Bottled water is often more available. For example, when going on vacationRead More`` Bottled Insanity, By Michael I1448 Words   |  6 PagesState College. In his article â€Å"Bottled Insanity, Niman claims that the rage for imported bottled water is unnecessary. Niman argues that people in America are â€Å"mad† for Fiji Water because they are â€Å"being sold a fantasy. A moment in Fiji. A taste of Fiji†. The author describes how this craze for â€Å"designer water† is negatively effecting our environment. According to the Niman, to transport a bottle of water from Fiji to Western New York State requires packing the water into cardboard boxes made fromRead MoreThe Benefits Of Bottled Water1483 Words   |  6 PagesWater is crucial to life; every human being needs water to survive. Water helps the body by nourishing it, making up most of our body, and helping with a healthy diet. However, people get water in different ways. One way to get this healthy drin k is through bottled water. There is a huge debate whether or not bottled water is the way to go. The benefits of bottled water do outweigh the costs by several reasons. Bottled water is commonly more available to the people. For example, when going on vacationRead MoreThe Benefits Of Bottled Water Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesEven though bottled water has many disadvantages, there are still some benefits. Bottled water is convenient. Almost everywhere a person goes there are bottled waters being sold. The water is sold at grocery stores, convenience stores, vending machines, and many other places. People can also buy many bottles of water at a time. Some grocery stores sell bottled water that come with twenty or more bottles in the case. Bottled water is a convenient on-the-go hydration solution. For example, people carryRead MoreWater Quality Of Drinking Water1629 Words   |  7 Pagesdrinking water.† This may not seem serious, but it is Water quality is sometimes unseen, it is a serious issue yet often ignored by many. Most people are convinced that bottle water is the best solution therefore no one really questions the quality of tap w ater. As a result, tap water is rarely investigated, and this leads to a detrimental issues. A three-year study was conducted, for the testing of water quality, as a result the report has found more than 200 unregulated chemicals in the tap water of

Friday, May 15, 2020

How Did The French Revolution Undermine Democracy

Qianying Sui Global 10D 1.23.16 PBA Essay: How did the French Revolution Undermine Democracy Since 1789, increasing discontent for food shortage and dire living conditions in France triggered massive protests against the Old Regime. By overthrowing Louis XVI and absolute monarchy, French citizens began to march toward democracy. However, the desire for participating in political decisions became so radical that fueled by internal and external conflicts, people shifted away from the principles they drew up. To restore stability and enforce laws, the government turned more centralized. Unlike what the revolution intended initially, its ending with Napoleon’s dictatorship totally resembled what it was like before. Such turmoil throughout the revolution merely undermined democracy despite its original aim to increase the public voice in politics. The establishment of the National Assembly that integrated different classes of people into one government signifies the growing public voice in political arena as citizens urged an end to hunger and unfair taxation system. Ever since King XVI summoned the Estates General to tackle the problems of food shortage and economic crisis, the Third Estate, who represented every French except the clergies and the nobles, has been constantly demanding for more voting rights to make people’s hardship known to the king and the other two estates. They thus assembled lists of grievances from citizens throughout France which called for a limit toShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Rights Of Women And A Public Speech By Frederick Douglass933 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution produced many changes both in France and in Europe as a whole. The most evident change brought by the French Revolution was the move from absolutism to republicanism that represents a shift towards democracy. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which was announced in 1789, was arguably the foundations of the human rights and many constitutions in democratic countries like the Britain and America. The concept is based on the â€Å"natural rights† that were establishedRead MoreDemocracy in Egypt1073 Words   |  5 PagesEgypt, in terms of democracy, is limited. Superficially it contains all the basic requirements of a democracy: a parliament, a president and regular elections. However, elections do not a democracy make. In Egypts sordid past it has been occupied, reoccupied and moreover controlled by external forces unique in the Arab world. Strong nationalism has led Egypt through social experiments that failed. Imitation has brought about a parliamentary monarchy cut short by a coup. In the end, Rule fromRead MorePolitical Parties And The American Political System1657 Words   |  7 PagesThese parties’ dissenting ideas seem to create non-stop conflict as each party relentlessly competes for the support and votes of the American people. However, over two hundred years ago in the early days of our country’s government, political parties did not even exist. Early leaders, such as the revered George Washington, feared that political parties would split our country into warring factions that would not only subvert our delicate notion of patriotism, but also weaken public support for the newRead MoreRole of Political Clubs on Frnech Revolution1664 Words   |  7 Pagesthe course of the French Revolution The revolution begun in 1789 with the meeting of the states general. Soon later the Bastille was stormed (till this day French celebrate it as their national holiday), the king was executed and a new constitution was written up. By 1799, end of the revolution, a new time had come not just for the French government, but for all. The revolution was to have an astonishing impact on world affairs, and its effect can be directly seen today. What french political clubsRead MorePlatos Criticism of Democracy Essay897 Words   |  4 PagesPlatos Criticism of Democracy Plato, having defined his perfect society, now seeks to compare contemporary imperfect societies with his ideal standard. He initially criticises the imperfect society as a whole, before leading onto a criticism of any given individual within that society; the imperfect character. He has already dealt with the Oligarchic society and character and now moves onto Democracy and the democratic character. Plato states that the Oligarchy, where the ultimate desireRead MoreAPWH Ch1306 Words   |  7 Pageshistorical periodization. How do the author’s dates and titles compare to the College Board’s? What explains the similarities and the differences? Why do you suppose the periodization in world history can be so controversial? UNIT 1 CHAPTER 1: Historical Thinking Skill Exercise: Historical Argumentation: On pages 26-43 of this text, how does the author explain the emergence of agriculture? What inferences does he make? Big Picture Question (BPQ) #2: The Agricultural Revolution marked a decisive turningRead MoreMarxism Midterm Essay : State And Revolution2918 Words   |  12 PagesMarxism Midterm Essay: State and Revolution Sarah Elberling University of Denver State and Revolution The early 20th century socialist revolutionary theorists Vladimir Lenin, Rosa Luxembourg and Leon Trotsky believed that the withering away of the state and the removal of the capitalist mode of production was a necessary outcome if the individual was to ever realize their true nature as being free, equal and self-determining. This, however, could only be achieved throughRead MoreCivil Right Essay1598 Words   |  7 Pages1. Discuss when, why and how the Cold War began. Then cite at least one factor that perpetuated the Cold War in each decade from the 1950s-1980s and discuss how the item you selected affected America at home as well. Last, discuss when and why the Cold War ended. 2. Discuss the origins of the Vietnam War, the course of the war over thirty years in the 1940s, and wars impact on the United States, both at home and in terms of foreign policy. 3. Write an essay on the civil rights movement since 1953Read MoreA Questionnaire on the American Samoan Society960 Words   |  4 Pagesdeference to their elders and hereditary rulers, rather than the more modern (post-French Revolution) concept of equal citizenship for all. Chiefs controlled all exchanges and the distribution of wealth and land, which is also quite different from the capitalistic individualism that lies at the core of modern American culture, and naturally the U.S. colonizers attempted to undermine this traditional system. How did the traditional system of chiefly power reinforce the close knit social system ofRead MoreVarious Topics incomplete1893 Words   |  8 Pagesand traditional medieval views. How did standards for ascertaining the â€Å"truth† differ between these two perspectives? Medieval techniques for ascertaining truth differed greatly from scientific views, mostly in part to what was taught in the Middle Ages by the church. Medieval traditional views put more faith in made up truths to fit their own religious dogmas or referring to long trusted authorities. Widely held by the populace in medieval times their views did come from some scientific origin

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Gothic Elements in the Picture of Dorian Gray

Abstract In an attempt to find out the purposes of the gothic elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray, this essay takes a close look at the three most prevailing gothic elements in the novel: the portrait, decadence, and the gothic villain by first exploring their presence and development throughout, and then examining their contributions to the characters, the plot development and the themes. First of all, the unique properties and symbolic meanings of the portrait in this novel are discussed. The purpose of the portrait is then analyzed in terms of its effect on Dorian Gray. Then, the theme of decadence is identified in the personality of the protagonist. Its purpose is then investigated by comparing and analyzing the opinions of the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , was clearly reflected in his portrait. Under Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian’s change in his mental state and moral values was dramatic. He learned to appreciate decadent art, to conform to the philoso phy of â€Å"to cure the soul by means of senses † by going to opium dens and eventually to completely submit to sin by murdering Basil Hallward. Although Dorian’s decay was hard to observe because his beauty remained intact and thus created an innocent image of him, the portrait recorded his inner change by altering his appearances, as we observe for the first time in the novel â€Å"the touch of cruelty round the warped lips † in the painting after the death of Sybil Vane. The painting provided Dorian a double life, as remarked in Into the Demon Universe: A Literary Exploration of Oscar Wilde: â€Å"The picture of his soul was locked safely away in a dark room while the innocent face he presented to respectable society was only a mask. † Indeed, the portrait became the spokesperson of Dorian’s true personality by altering his appearances according to his corruption of the mind. A more convincing evidence of the portrait being a reflection of Dorian’s moral decadence lies moments before the death of Dorian. At the night of his death, Dorian attempted to convince himself that he had indeed changed and had started committingShow MoreRelatedThe Picture Of Dorian Gray965 Words   |  4 Pages When looking at Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray, it is clear that Frankenstein is a novel that can be placed into both the gothic and horror genre, although it is a gothic novel secondary to it being a horror novel; The picture of Dorian Gray isn’t so clear in this regard. On a first reading, one may assume the story to be gothic literature and only gothic literature because of the sheer amount of gothic characteristics and elements that the text presents that include, but are not limitedRead MoreFrankenstein And The Picture Of Dorian Gray As British Gothic Literature1837 Words   |  8 PagesEnglish 4 AP 27 May 2015 Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray as British Gothic Literature â€Å"There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.† This quote from Mary Shelley s classic gothic novel Frankenstein is very representative of the functional importance of gothic literature to humanity. Gothic literature can be viewed as the dark side of the human soul, as good usually triumphs over evil in storytelling; gothic literature is the release of all the darkness ofRead MoreThe Picture of Dorian Gray and the Turn of the Screw in the Gothic Genre4189 Words   |  17 PagesOscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray and Henry James The Turn Of the Screw are key examples of the way in which gothic texts use and adapt the conventions of the genre. These changes occur due to the authors own personal context and values. The inexorable link between text, context and values is expressed through the way in which both authors choose to manipulate, redefine and introduce new conventions to the gothic. Oscar Wildes first and only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was writtenRead MoreArt And Art In Oscar Wildes The Picture Of Dorian Gray835 Words   |  4 Pageslike Plato, Aristotle, Matthew Arnold, to name a few, have made their significant contributions to the study. Challenging much of the set outlooks on art and artists are the views of Oscar Wilde. In the preface to his scandalous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde professes his views on art and artist. The preface to the novel starts with the line, â€Å"the artist is the creator of beautiful things.† Oscar Wilde was deeply inspired by the movement of Aestheticism which went by the propagandaRead MoreGothic Literature and Romantic Literature2607 Words   |  11 Pagesfrom Gothic literature to express their thoughts. Although the novels are unique and valued for their distinctiveness, the borrowed traits remain a parallel between the two genres. Traits such as deterioration of characters, love combating sin, return to animalistic priorities, and alienation of human emotion are all depicted in characters in Romantic literature. These traits are the cornerstones of Gothic literature. Characters from the Romanticism era have been profoundly impacted by Gothic LiteratureRead MoreAn Analysis of Freuds Uncanny4369 Words   |  17 Pagesof repression and dark secrets was one of the most prominent ones. Linked with these ideas were various elements like coincidences, supernatural powers and spooky settings that set the stage for a mysterious tale. Many authors have made use of these elements of literature to make the readers stay on the edge of their seat. Two books that will be discussed in detail are The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and The Signalman by Charles Dickens. Uncanny is a concept and theory which covers allRead MorePursuit of Individualism in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde655 Words   |  3 Pages In chapter 20 of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Dorian reflects on his past crimes and wonders whether he will ever change and retrieve his innocence again. Throughout the final chapter of the novel, the elements of Gothic novel that Wilde explores conveys the idea of the pursuit of individualism. Dorian’s wild, racing emotions clearly show how much he is driven by his readiness to fulfill his desires under any circumstance. Through this, the use of specific words and punctuation markingsRead Moreâ€Å"The picture of Dorian Gray† Oscar Wilde- Born on 16th of October in 1854, Oscar Wilde would700 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"The picture of Dorian Gray† Oscar Wilde- Born on 16th of October in 1854, Oscar Wilde would become one of Londons most famous playwrights of his time. Wilde is remembered by much of his work, including his epigrams, which were brief statements, and his most prominent novel The picture of Dorian Gray, and the conditions of his imprisonment. Wilde is known for being one of the best-personalities of his time because of his â€Å"glittering conversations†, flamboyant dresses, and his lip biting wit. WhileRead MoreThe Uncensored Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis823 Words   |  4 PagesIn The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde presents the theme of good versus evil side of human nature. The depths of what it means to be human is explored by Wilde with the three characters of Basil Hallward, Henry Wotton and Dorian Gary. Each character represents a different side of the conflict between morality and giving into temptation. The three characters equally represent the difference in the class structure of society. The character of Henry Wotton represents the wealthy, properRead MoreGap Between Literary Gothic and Pornography1719 Words   |  7 Pagesus to depictions of violence and sex, but has it also disabled us in being able to see the difference between what is carefully constructed satire and what is merely pornography? There is probably no text this discussion embraces more in modern gothic literature than that of Brett Easton Ellis’ American Psycho. The novel was surrounded with controversy, ecen before its publication in 1991. Originally, cited to be published by Simon Schuster, the company forfeited from the engagement, including

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Teenage Depression Essay Sample free essay sample

Throughout America. the rate of teenage is increasing each twelvemonth. About 20 per centum of teens will see adolescent depression before they reach maturity. Adolescent depression can impact a adolescent regardless of gender. societal background. income degree. race. or school or other accomplishments. though adolescent misss study enduring from depression more frequently than adolescent male childs. Teenage depression is a serious subject and it is of import to understand what it is. the symptoms of teenage depression and how it can be solved. Teenage depression isn’t merely bad tempers and the occasional melancholy—it’s a serious job that impacts every facet of a teen’s life. Adolescent depression can take to drug and intoxicant maltreatment. self–loathing and self–mutilation. gestation. force. and even suicide. Depression is more than on occasion experiencing blue. sad. or down in the mopess. Depression is a strong temper affecting unhap piness. disheartenment. desperation. or hopelessness that lasts for hebdomads. We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Depression Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page months. or even longer. Depression affects more than a person’s temper. It drains the energy. motive. and concentration a individual needs for normal activities. It interferes with the ability to notice or bask the good things in life. Of class. most teens feel unhappy at times and when you add endocrines and emphasis to the many other alterations go oning in a teen’s life. it’s easy to see why they have mood swings like loony. Often. teens with depression will hold a noticeable alteration in their thought and behaviour. They may hold no motive and even go withdrawn. shuting their sleeping room door after school and remaining in their room for hours. Teenss with depression may kip overly. hold a alteration in eating wonts. school problem and may even exhibit condemnable behaviours such as DUI or shrinkage. Those are merely a few illustrations of symptoms that may originate when looking for depression in adolescents. Even though depression affects 1000000s of adolescents. it is treatable. Though. there is no one-size-fits-all attack for adolescents who are depressed. I would state that bar is ever better than remedy. If we could forestall adolescent depression so there would be no demand to bring around a down adolescent. As a parent or grownup that recognizes the warning marks before they become terrible so you may be able to assist that adolescent prevent going down and seek aid before the depression boots in. If in fact the depression has already affected the kid so it is really improtant to seek medical aid every bit shortly as possible before it becomes excessively late. Depression is the world’s figure one psychological upset and self-destruction is the 3rd prima cause of decease amongst adolescents. It has been known for down adolescents to turn to suicide if they dont recieve the proper medical attending that is needed to handle depression. Some parents are even traveling to reding with their kids to make an unfastened forum where a adolescent feels like they can open up and portion their feelings. Teenage depression is a serious issue. but it can be helped when you know the symptoms. Depression is a existent and serious status that can derail lives and set a kid at hazard. No 1 needs to be left entirely to conflict depression. Acknowledge the marks and symptoms and you may do a difference in somone’s life.